Thursday, March 16, 2017

Moving up the Movement

New build for this week is up here!

Making a post early this week since I'll be away over the weekend. This week I added, changed, or moved 4 levels. Here are two of them:

I made these changes primarily to extend the period of time that I'm teaching linked goals / bounce walls and also so that I can introduce movement much sooner into the game.

I'm not yet sure how I feel about the top level pictured above. It's a little loose - there's a lot of ways to solve the level, and you don't need to interact with anything to solve it. However, in every case, it feels like you have to be either quick, clever, or both to hit both linked goal nodes in time. I guess that's good enough. Plus, if Zelda is anything to go by, it doesn't matter if the player is solving things the "right" way as long as the player feels like they are solving things "their" way.

Charging-up noise is by Javier Zumer. I use and modify it under this license.

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