Here's today's update. Sorry for being late! It's the weekend before 4th of July and a lot is happening in town.
Not much to say this week. I'm trying to restructure the pace of how I introduce new goals and mechanics from levels 1-20. In the process, moving elements appear much sooner in the level progression. I made some new introduction levels and deleted an old level that was no longer necessary.
One thing I keep forgetting to implement is better feedback for when you crash into a wall. I want to focus on that for next week.
I think maybe 20 levels is enough? I have ideas for more features, but I don't know that the game needs them. I wonder how many levels I can have in a row before it gets boring just completing goal after goal. The goals change in nature, but there are no levels where your goal does not revolve around basically the same thing: Hit the orbs with your avatar.
As always, the charging-up noise is by Javier Zumer. I'm using and modifying that sound under this license.
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