(The new build is up here!)
This week I added a particle and sound for when you collide with a bounce-wall, ditto for when a goal or linked goal resets its numbers back to zero. I also added an 8th level (Which is getting really very easy to do - level 8 is novel enough that it seems worthwhile, but only took about 5 minutes to create).
In thinking about the three features I brainstormed last week (Walls you can push, Walls that teleport you specific places, and either walls which only exist while you are charging or walls which only exist while NOT charging) I think walls existing only while charging make the most sense to develop. First, I already have the code I need to make them work. Second, I like walls existing only while charging over the opposite due to the fact that a) Charging is very strong, and I predict restricting it will lead to more creative puzzle solving and b) It's much easier, visually, to illustrate that something is going to appear than it is to illustrate that something is going to disappear.
Ideally, I would have had a level with that working in it today, but if I'm honest, I got a little lazy this weekend. Let's hear it for lazy weekends!
The charge-up noise is, again, courtesy of Javier Zumer, and is being used under this license.
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